Thursday 6 December 2012

How many of you jump on the forums, read a post (that no-one else has commented on), and then exit the page? I know lots of us don't have much free time, BUT, some days, when i see a reply on something i've posted, it gives me the boost i need to keep going, and it reminds me that i'm not alone.

One thing i'm going to try and do this round on the forums, and facebook pages, take the time to reply to those comments that numerous have read, but no-one has replied to. I may not be able to help, but by posting a comment it will help keep the thread alive, hopefully for someone with more knowledge or wise words to see! Hopefully it will help someone else realise that they aren't alone, and there is support when they need it :)


  1. I love this. :) So thoughtful.

    The thread killer thread on the forums was birthed out of someone feeling like they were insignificant on the forums. Hopefully between this thread and your gorgeous heart, no one ( or very few! ) will feel like that this round. :)

    1. oh i will have a look at the thread killer thread :)
      that's my hope - that no-one is left feeling on their own when they post something :)

  2. Lovely idea. Will follow you when I work out how :)

  3. Good on your Tracey, I am trying the same thing this round. Even if it is just a few replies. I saw your blog was nominated on the Forums and came and checked it out. Love it. I am just getting into publicly sharing my blog, go and check it out and see if he resonates with you.

    See you around the Forums - my user name is Kate All Great

    1. Im now following you Kate :)Love your blog!
