Today i read an extremely honest blog from a fellow 12wbter, i guess it prompted me to fess up and get it all out. As she said, what's there to lose?
So, here i go.....
Some people know i've been struggling, food - too much of all the wrong stuff. Exercise is fine, but what use is exercise if i'm inhaling crap?
I've managed to lose weight this round, and an ok amount, but i don't feel that i've really put in all the work, i feel that there is so much room for improvement, that unless i really get it together then i'm not achieving all i am capable of.
My goal is 10 more kgs for the round.
My commitment to achieve that is no more shit! I read a quote today - You put junk in, junk comes out. You put good in, good comes out. Time to make sure that good is a part of my life much more then junk.
I want to finish this round with collarbones that are always there, not just when i am standing a certain way
I want to know with certainty that i will fit into clothes in any shop
I want to be proud of what i have accomplished, instead of wondering if it was a fluke.
When i board that plane to Melbourne at the start of May, i WILL be able to tick off all the things listed above!! And if not, then maybe i shouldn't be boarding the plane!
There's no current pics to post, but in the next few days i will get some and see if i can see any changes since week 1!!
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