Saturday, 1 December 2012

Week 2 Done and Dusted

This week was harder then the first - temp was high 30s/40, which made am exercise difficult! Managed it Monday and Tuesday, but it was just way too hot! So, I only did my gym sessions for the rest of the week.

It was a week where I've worked 7 days, so I'm a little bit proud that I still managed 3500 cals for the week. Mon to Fri eating was spot on, have had a few hiccups over the weekend which has helped reinforce a few things i needed reminding of!

My mission for Monday and Tuesday is to burn off the excess cals from the weekend, as well as doing my normal 500 cals for the day. Ouch! this is going to hurt, but it's ultimately my own fault!

Operation 3500 cals gone by wed weigh in commences!!


  1. Go you! It's all a learning process and 3500 cals in exercise for the week is awesome. :)

  2. Thanks Vikki! It definitely is a learning process :)
