Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Finally, this round, i get it!!

This round, i've been brave, i've posted half naked pictures in a few facebook pages, to the horror of some i am sure! Why would i do such an embarrassing thing? Well, it was kind of liberating, and terrifying, and basically, because i have finally achieved something that i am ok with sharing!!

I've had some people tell me that i have inspired them, that i have shown them what is possible in a round, i never thought i would ever inspire anyone!!

I've also read a lot lately about people saying the program doesn't work, or that they've failed and should they sign up again. I think it is all personal choice, but from my experience, sign up again!!
I'm a repeat offender, and i repeatedly failed! but i kept telling myself, even though im failing on the program, im still aware of my health etc, so in a way im winning. Now i told myself that bullshit story for long enough, that the day eventually came where i realised how much money i'd wasted! At the start of this round, it was basically i've wasted enough money, so i need to earn back some of the money i've wasted - how am i earning it? By finally feeling good about myself!! Don't get me wrong, i'm still fat, but i've made changes, and i'm chipping away at my body slowly!!

Walking into the gym and having a trainer tell me to keep doing what im doing because im shrinking before her eyes, and having my gym buddy have to look twice after not seeing me for nearly 6 weeks - that is WINNING and worth all the money i have spent!!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


I feel the need to do another thank you post lol

Every round, for as long as i can remember, my goal has always been to get into the 80s, this round i didn't make that a goal, whether that was because i didn't believe i would do it, or i just didn't want to put that pressure on myself. This round i also chose to remove myself from numerous local groups, recently i re-joined for the purpose of reconnecting with a few select people, but other then that, 90% of my support has come from the SWSYD group, the 30+ group, and another small group made up of people that are pretty much at their goal weight. I have also made use of the forums this round, which is something i haven't done in a long time. I was always under the thought that the more groups you are in, the more support you will get. WRONG. The best piece of advice i can give, is to find groups where the people are genuinely kind and supportive, where they are willing to experience the highs and lows with you, and most of all, where there is no 'clique'. I look forward to the day i am able to meet some of these amazing people, some i may meet at finale, and others i may meet next time i head to NSW to see family, but regardless, i completely believe that they have played a huge part of my experience and success this round, and i am truly grateful!

The other 10% of my support has to be my family, this round, without a doubt the biggest change in attitude has been from my partner, he has jumped on board 100%, and i never realised how much this meant to me until this round when he helped do a bit of pushing and reminding to keep me on track! The rest of my family, regardless of being interstate, have also been a huge support, without spending a few weeks with them over christmas, i wonder how i would have gone without their encouragement and early morning walks.

So, anyway, i made the 80's!!! 12.8 kilos down for the round, and planning on getting to 85 by the end :)

Sunday, 13 January 2013

It's easier to fit my arms around you!

At this point in the round, its all of the 'little' wins that are keeping me pushing on.
Last night, my partner said that he noticed the other night that he can easily put his arms around me now, win number one, is that it's easier, win number two is that he told me!!

Hope everyone has a fabulous week :)

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Biggest piece of advice - Do your before and afters!

I guess this kind of follows on from my previous post about being a bit down, so, on Friday morning i decided to do some pictures to see if iv made any changes. Now, when i look in the mirror, i see absolutely no change!!

Well, i was blown away by the changes I could see! and i was equally blown away by the kindness i received after posting the pictures on a few facebook pages!

So, purely for your own eyes, please please please do your pictures when it comes up in the pre-season tasks! I've done numerous rounds and never ever dreamed i would be posting my pictures for anyone to see!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The week 8 blues

How is everyone going?
Me? pretty damn flat actually!!

Had such big dreams this round of absolutely blitzing it, now im doubting myself and need to get my head back in the game!

Need to stop snacking on everything that appears within sight!

Onwards and downwards!

Saturday, 5 January 2013

So you're eating vegetables now?

Why must people think that because i got fat, that i am dumb?? That if id just eaten more vegetables that i would have lost weight sooner?

As great as it is having people say that they can tell i've lost weight, it detracts from that statement a little bit when they can't grasp the fact that i have always eaten healthy dinners (80% of the time), and vegetables arent just some new discovery for me! My intake of vegetables hasn't changed one bit this round, even though this round is when im seeing the results.
Snacking has, and continues to be my demon. Organisation is fixing that. Hence seeing results.

ugh. ok. rant over.

On a positive, all of my family were really encouraging when they saw me and all could tell id lost weight, one morning when i was in my workout gear my 6 year old niece told me that i was looking very skinny that morning. Made my day!!

Xmas, New Years, and Mountains!

Where to begin?
The past 3 weeks have been spent interstate with family, on the drive over we did the great ocean road, before heading to Tathra in NSW for christmas with my family, after a week there it was off to Thredbo area for a week of camping.
So i guess the big question is - how did i go?

The diet
The drive to my sisters - we ate out quite a bit, but made good choices, and was never left with the sick, over-eaten feeling.
I guess the big thing that helped, was my sister had already said i could choose the meals for dinner etc while i was there (other then on xmas day), and seeing as my sister is healthy, she was happy to do healthier options on xmas day. I was able to enjoy a little bit of everything, and feel good :)
Weigh in on boxing day saw me lose 1.5kg - absolutely stoked!
Camping - again i was camping with my sister and her family, so dinners were healthy, quick and simple! had a few days a bit more relaxed, but overall was pleased with how i went.
Weigh in this week saw me lose 700g

The exercise
I was a little nervous about how id go with the exercise, especially being in holiday/relaxed mode
Luckily, our first night of camping was done at the start of the great ocean road - so it was kinda perfect to motivate me to go for an early morning run and watch the sun rise!
At my sisters she lived a short walk to the beach, which made it easy to get up cos i love beach walks/runs!
with my nieces around, strength work was able to be done in the form of playing and throwing the girls around :)
Camping proved to be the easiest place to exercise - doing early morning walks with my sister, then climbing Mt Kosciusko and doing some other walks in Thredbo

Overall? I was stoked with how i stayed on track!!

2 years ago i climbed Mt Kosciusko at my heaviest, i struggled, i cried.

This time around, i was able to run between my partner and sister (they were going different speeds), and i was smiling most of the way.
Was a little bit liberating to get a photo at the top with my nieces, which equal the weight iv lost, and the weight i was last time i did the climb!

Hope u all had a great Christmas and new year!