Saturday, 24 November 2012
Week 1 Recap
It's great to have supportive people, and to have those people try to motivate you, but ultimately, until you are ready to give 100%, from deep within, then success is only going to be temporary.
I feel that this is where i'm at, for months and months, even the past few years, i've wanted to make changes, and in small ways i have, brief stints of eating healthy, brief periods of going on the 12wbt website, but even with all the encouragement in the world, i never succeeded. I was lazy, i chose not to change my habits, and that is where the problem lies.
Week 1 is done, have i stuck 100% to the meal plan set out on the program? No. Does this mean i'm once again going to fail?? NO! I did my own plan this week, something that i knew i would be able to stick to, something that worked. I did the more time consuming meals on days where i do an earlier gym session, and on the days i get home later, i did nice quick meals. Did i follow this plan 100%? nope, i followed it 95%. One dinner made leftovers i wasn't expecting, so that became my lunch for the next day. Do i believe that i gave week 1 100% of my effort and dedication? YES! i can honestly, say yes. Yes, ofcourse there was things i could have done better, longer in the gym, less dressing on a salad. But i'm not going to beat myself up about that. I made changes, and so far, i can say that i am succeeding. To me, for now, that is enough.
I fell in love with eating good food again, I made a curry that tasted better then the indian version we had a few weeks ago, i tried new meals, and loved them.
Week 2?? Bring it on!! Meal plan sorted, shop done, this afternoon i will slice and dice and bag up ingredients ready for the week ahead.
My mission for these 12 weeks, is to succeed, because if i can succeed while working 7 days a week, while also being a full time uni student, currently finishing off exams, while also surviving the festive season where i will be away for three weeks, then i hope that i am able to give anyone the courage and belief that they too can succeed!
Not ready for the world to know?
Have u ever had that moment where u feel that the "journey" ur on has become kinda public, when ur not ready for that?
Ok, let's scrap the word journey, we will call it an experience, and replace the public, with my partners parents.
Anyway, I'm just not at the point where I'm ok with everyone knowing, I've said it out loud to the people that will support me, but other then that, I feel that it's noones business :S
Being overly dramatic? Probably. But when it was brought up at lunch today, I felt uncomfortable. Ashamed perhaps. I know that this time round I'm going to suceed, but that doesn't mean that everyone I know needs to know I'm on a weightloss expedition! I'm not ready to answer the questions that come with it!
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Week 1 so far
Day 1
There is something different this round, I can't put my finger on it, but for some reason i am 200X more determined then i've ever been before.
Not once have i organized myself for day 1, let alone week 1, yet this time i planned everything.
Planning = Success!
Did my time trial (halfway through a 6km walk), wall sit, and pushups. So just need to get around to the ab test and sit and reach. On my list of "to do" for later in the week!
Day 2
I've always been the kind of person that gets up 15 minutes before i need to leave for work, i've never eaten breakfast, and even when i did, it was generally an up and go that i had on the way to work.
Seems as though my body clock is happy having early nights and getting up early, so, 6am im awake ready to go for another morning walk, which then means im back home with plenty of time for a shower and breakfast.
Day 3
Woke up feeling a bit blah. Had a headache and decided i'd roll over and go back to sleep till a more reasonable hour.
NOPE! My puppy had other ideas, she wanted her walk/run that she'd gotten used to (after only two days of it lol), so she wouldn't stop breathing stinky dog breath in my face until i got out of bed, looks like she won cos 5 minutes later i was out the door, funnily enough, my headache was gone by the time i got to work, and i'd once again, had time for a relaxed morning.
It was also weigh in #1 - amazingly, 2.2kg loss in 2 days!! how insane that my diet really was that bad beforehand. It really is as easy as eating better!! Today was also the first time in a loooong time that anyone has ever said my lunch looks really good and they are jealous (it was also the first time in a looong time i've been around people when i have my break), so it was a good feeling to know that a) it doesn't look like diet food, and b) it looks yummy!!
Day 4
Body clock decided to get me up even earlier, 545 am i was shuffling out the door. Funny when im sitting down eating breakfast and my normal alarm goes off :) Was tempted just to buy lunch today, i was in the city and there's healthy options, but nope, i have all the ingredients, and iv planned all my meals, so definitely no need to do anything other then make my lunch :) So, all in all, I've had a pretty successful week so far i reckon! Have exercised twice a day 3 days, and once a day one day, my puppy is much happier getting a long walk everyday, and in general, i feel on top of the world!!
Healthy means starving
Here's a pic of my food for work today. How can people honestly believe that u will go hungry if u eat healthy? (I'll admit, I used that as my excuse until now) :)
Banana, watermelon, apple leftover from breaky, herbed yoghurt chicken salad for lunch :)
Will report back about my week so far when I get a chance!
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Organisation is everything!
Sunday night before it all begins.
Many will be having their "last supper", while others will be using the time to get prepared.
I (for once), fall into the get prepared category.
My weakness is snacks, so that's what I got prepared for.
Veggie sticks cut up, choc fudge balls made, cheese cakes made, eggs boiled.
This time tomorrow I will be reporting back what a success my first day was! :)
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Operation comeback commences!
A common question, how many rounds of 12wbt have you done? My answer, none.
Yes, I have paid for many, but have I ever become organised enough to give it 100%? No. Food. That's my problem. It tastes good, so I eat, and eat, and eat! I also love exercise, so for a while, I've been playing this game of maintenance. Not so bad? Well, if I was at goal weight, sure, perfect, but I'm currently 40kg above goal weight.
So that brings me to today, why am I delusional enough to think this time will be difference? Christmas period? Seriously?
That is why I will succeed! I already know what the biggest hurdle is going to be, and that is why it won't beat me.
Today I did my menu plan, tomorrow I pick up my groceries, Monday I start!